Saturday, September 5, 2009

Donovan Thomas Naugle has arrived!

I know it has been about 2 weeks since I have updated-sorry! I have just been enjoying my time with our new little man!
So, now with the labor story...I am amazed at how fast everything happened! Thursday, August 20th I had a regular doctors appointment. We get into the office and the doctor, Dr. Suarez, checks my cervix. I am 6cm dilated! She asks me if I have been having contractions, and I tell her I have been having the Braxton Hicks contractions, but no pain. She hooks me up to the monitors so she can see if the contractions are real or not, and they are! She tells me I am in labor and we need to get to the hospital. Mark and I tell her that first we would like to go home, get our bags, take the dog out, etc. Dr. Suarez says NO! You need to get to the hospital now! So at that moment, I start getting scared! It's real now! I'm not ready! What if I can't do it? I call my mom and dad, my sisters, and let them know we are on our way to the hospital to have a baby! I cry a little bit to my mom, but she always has a way of making me feel stronger. I can't wait until my family gets there!! At about 5 we finally get settled into our hospital room and my family arrives shortly after. By this time, we are all SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!
I forgot to mention that the delivering doctor ended up being our favorite doctor! Michelle Amoroso. SHe used to be our neighbor, and I used to babysit her kids! It really couldn't have worked out better. So, far, everything is going perfectly, I can't believe it! AT about 5:30, Michelle camein and checked my cervix...i'm 7cm and have yet to feel a contraction! She then decides to break my water. Shortly after that, I start feeling the contractions-and they hurt!! I decide to get an epidural. The feeling of getting an epidural is quite a strange feeling. It doesn't really hurt, but you can feel the catheter going in your back. I feel wonderful afterwards. The epidural strengeth was perfect. Not too strong to where I am completely numb, but just enough so that I can still feel a little pressure so I know when to push. At about 7 they check my cervix again and I am fully dilated! It's time to push. I start getting nervous again, but this time I'm excited at the same time. I have everyone I love by my side, except for my dad, who preferred to stay in the waiting room with my best friends, Amanda and Lindsey. Mark, My mom, my sisters were all in the room cheering me on. It was a very exciting and happy environment! At about 7:05 I start pushing...Michelle notices Donovan's heart rate going down and not coming back up. I didn't realize this because I was in my zone, pushing away! about 10 minutes later, his heart rate was continuing to go down apparently, so Michelle wants to use a vaccuum to help to get him out. Michelle was so calm when explaining this to me, I had no idea something may be wrong. She attaches the vaccuum and I start to push with all of my being! WHile pushing, the vaccuum cord breaks off while Michelle was pulling him out! I also did not know that happened either! I do remember her saying "Cassid it's all you now," and that was because the vaccuum broke and she couldn't help! Finally, one last push and he is out! He was born at 7:20pm, weighing 6 lbs 15 oz. Michelle immediately throws him on my belly and we meet finally! He is beautiful and perfect. Instant love.
Michelle shows us the cord, and says "You guys, it's your lucky day. There is a knot in his cord." (I have a picture of it below.) It is incredible that he is here. He also had the cord wrapped around his neck twice. We are so thankful for Michelle acting so quickly becasue we may not have had such a wonderful outcome!
We are so in love with this little man. I can't wait for everyone to meet him who hasn't yet. I will post more pictures up of him soon!
Talk soon! It's eating time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

baby time!
went to doctor...6 cm sent me to hospital to have a baby! i am sitting in my hospital room now...more details to come!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo Shoot

One of my best friends is a photographer in her spare time, and she offered to take some pictures of us! I absolutely love them!! Enjoy!

Photo Shoot!

More pics..

Photo Shoot!


no baby yet!

I can't believe I am still walking around, 4 cm dilated, and still no baby! My doctor has been surprised everytime I make it to my next appointment...still could be "any day now" we play the waiting game...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Holy Moly!

I know it's been a few weeks since I have posted and SO MUCH has happened! I have had my baby shower...and last Thursday, July 30th I had my 36 week check up and I was 2 cm dilated! Oh my gosh! But it gets even more exciting...Today, August 4th, I started having a little back pain and Braxton Hicks contractions and the contractions started getting somewhat regular. But they werent really painful...I was still doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and I even went with Haleigh and Mark to lunch. SO, after monitering the contractions for about 3 hours, they were varying about 5-15 minutes apart and lasting about 30-50 seconds. I called my doctor after lunch because I wasn't sure if this was labor or just Braxton Hicks. As soon as I called the doctor, they told me to come in immediately!! SO, Mark, Haleigh, and I head to the doctor. By this time, my contractions were definitely fizzling out. I maybe had 1 in 30 minutes. So, they take me back immediately and hook me up to the moniters. One moniter checks the baby's heart rate, and one checks the contractions. I didn't have any while on the moniter. SO, the doctor comes in and says, "I can tell by looking at you that you are not in labor. But just to make it official, I will go ahead and check your cervix. " By this time, I am really thinking I am wasting these people's time by being in here....So he checks me and says, "well maybe I just ate my words because you are about 4 cm dilated!! And 90% effaced!! " I couldn't believe it and neither could the doctor. He told me that I needed to go to the hospital and check in and they will moniter my prgression and that a couple of things could happen. I could either progress or not, basically. SO, not wanting to be in a hospital bed all night for no reason, I asked the doctor if I could just go home since my contractions had already stopped. He said that he would approve that but he was a little bit apprehensive because he wants to make sure I get to the hospital on time! He thinks I could be looking at a 3 hour labor...that is so short! SO as of right now, my instructions are as follows: If I get 2 contractions that are around 8 minutes apart or if my water breaks, get in my car and go to the hospital immediately. Call the doctor while on my way. SO, now we are waiting!!
We came home and finished packing our bags and I can honestly say that we are completely ready! I also have a regular appointment on Thursday and he told me to keep it, but he thinks there is a 50/50 chance that I will make the appointment. I also asked him if it is possible to stay at 4 cm until my due date. He said no and that the max I would make it would be a week and a half. time you hear from me may be from the hospital !!! agh!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

33 weeks

New things

I am 33 weeks now! I can't believe I am about to meet Donovan! I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like! I feel like I know him already, but I know this won't compare to the moment when I actually get to hold him.
So, what's new? Mark and I have started the childbirth classes. We had our third class last night. The first class we had, we watched a birth video. (They don't waste any time getting down to business!) The second class we watched a c-section video. (I closed my eyes during this one. I don't feel like I need to have a visual of that) We also have been learning about medical interventions....epidural, episiotomy, vacuum, forceps, etc... The more I learn, the more confident I feel about childbirth. I am surprised how empowered the class is making me! I have also decided that I am not going in with any expectiations other than to listen to my body. I think some women go in there with the mindset of "I am getting an epidual right away" or "I am definitely going to go natural" and when things dont go exactly to plan, they are disappointed. So my theory is that I will go as far as I can without an epidural. When I need it, I need it, if I don't, I don't. I have no idea what to expect so I don't think I should plan the pain management part of labor until I experience it on my own. I know it is different for every woman.
My baby shower is this weekend and I am super excited! I can't wait to see everyone!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Here are some new pictures of Van's nursery. We got the glider-the most contemporary one I could find....but I am thinking about reupholstering the cushions...maybe to an off white. We redid the mirror also, the frame was yellow and did go with anything, so we changed it to this brown granite and I LOVE it!! I don't have a bedding set yet, but you can at least see the furniture in there. And his wardrobe is getting bigger by the day! We still need a few more things, particularly a rug. I'm working on that. Hope you all like!

Donovan's Nursery!!

29 1/2 weeks!

29 1/2 week belly shots:

overdue 28 week pictures

29 1/2 weeks!

Holy Moly! Can you believe I am about 30 weeks!?!?!? It is getting so close and I am trying to cherish every day because I love being pregnant. The baby is about 3 pounds now and almost 17 inches.He is taking up alot of space, obviously, and I can feel him near my ribs, in my sides, in my butt (i know, it sounds strange, but I can feel him there!!) I just can't wait to meet Donovan! I will post some new pictures up also, and on Friday, I have the exciting appointment so I will tell all of you all about it!

Doc Appt.

June 9th we had a doctor's appointment, and it was pretty routine. No sonogram this time, they just measured my belly (right on track), checked my weight gain (perfect!), and that's about it! I scheduled another appointment, which is going to be the exciting one! The 3D/4D ultrasound! We actually get to see what the baby will look like! I can't wait!
I am feeling pretty darn good at this point! Still exercising regularly, doing pilates, riding the bike, light weights. Donovan is a little squirmer, and I am interested to see if that will carry on after birth.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

baby furniture

Our baby furniture came in a month early! WooHoo! We had the crib assembled today, and it looks great! I had Mark take these pics of the nursery-in-progress, but he didn't get the best shots. You can see the wall coverings though, and the crib(kind of) and the dresser (with the plastic still on the handles). I will take more pictures as we set more things up in there. It's all coming together though!

25 1/2 weeks!

Here are some new pictures to update everyone on my size! I know, I know, the front view shot is SCARY! The next to last picture, my belly seems smaller. But little Donovan is definitely growing! He is kicking around so much too! It really is amazing. No stretch marks yet, thank goodness! I have Mark to thank for that because he rubs vitamin E and cocoa butter on my belly every single night. He is the best!
I still love being pregnant!

Monday, May 18, 2009

3 hour sugar test

Today was the 3 hour test... I get to the doctor's office at 8:15...The girl there pricks my finger and checks my level. It's 86, which is within normal range. Nornal range is between 70-130. However, that is my level after fasting. I hadn't eaten or drank anything since 10 the night before. So, after the 1st finger prick, I am given a bottle full of this super duper sweet juice to drink. Then I am instructed to come back in an hour to check the level again. With this 3 hour test, I have an initial finger prick to check the blood. Then after I drink the sweet stuff, I come back 3 more times. In this case, I will come back at 9:25, 10:25 and 11:25. So, Mark and I drove over to Starbuck's so he could get a coffee and a bite to eat. I didn't mind watching him eat at all, I think he felt worse about it than I did! At this point, I can at least drink water. We hang out there for a bit and make our way back to the doc. Now it's 9:25 and I go back to get my finger pricked again. This time my level has to be below 180. It's 173! yay! So I passed that one...The next time I come back (which will be 10:25) my level has to be under 155. ....Yikes, I'm getting nervous! Mark and I drive around for a bit and then make our way back. 10:25....I get yet another prick and my level is 133!!! YayYYYYyaaaaayyyyyyy!!! I passed again! It gets better though- SInce my level was so good (low) then that means my body is processing sugar correctly which meant I didn't have to come back for the last check. I am free to eat! SO no gestational diabetes for me people. Great news!
Next appointment is June 9th. I will post pics up this week though!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Doctor appt

Sooo, I had another doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and it was quite interesting. I had to take a glucose test, which measures your blood sugar levels. I thought it was going to be no biggie. So, I get to the office and have to drink this really sweet orange liquid. Then, after an hour, I get my finger pricked and the glucose is measured in my blood. Apparently, your glucose level is supposed to be under 130.........well, mine was 143. So, not really knowing what that meant except that it was bad, I have a seat in the doctor's office to wait for him to explain the next step. He tells me that now, I have to do a 3 HOUR GLUCOSE TEST! And it's a fasting test! The doctor explained how my blood sugar was so high very simply: Basically, the baby likes sugar, alot. The baby is fighting to keep the sugar in my blood so he can use it, and at the same time, my body is trying to either store it or process it. Sometimes the baby wins, and in this case Donovan won. My body is not producing enough insulin to process the sugar so Mr Donovan is a happy little boy hopped up on the sugar. Well, party is over Mr D. From now on I have to cut back on sugar, cut out any white flour, and stick to whole grains-complex carbs.
So Monday at 8:15 I have the 3 hour test to check my levels again. If I fail this test, I have to go on "treatment" because I will technically have gestational diabetes. The doctor did not elaborate whatsoever on what the treatment is, but after reading my pregnancy books on gestational diabetes, I may be given some form of synthetic insulin. Let's hope that I pass!
I consider myself a pretty healthy eater, and I am also at the gym at least 5 days a week, so this really came as a surprise to me. However.....a couple of days before, I drank a gallon of lemonade(even though it is organic doesn't mean it has any less sugar!) and I also was peer pressured by a certain sister to eat a CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH FLAUTA WITH CHOCOLATE SYRUP AND POWDERED SUGAR! :) I wasn't really pressured that much....and boy, that dessert was one of the best desserts I have ever eaten in my whole life! I ate that the day before my doctor appointment, so I am hoping that the dessert combined with all that juice shocked my system and sent my sugar levels sky high. Especially since I don't usually eat like that. Only time will tell, so until the appointment, I have and will continue to eat fruit for dessert, and no juice for me unless it is directly from the fruit.
Other than that, the appointment went well. Doctor said I looked great, weight gain is on target, and Donovan looks perfect!
Until Monday...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

23 weeks!!!!!!!!

beach belly picture!

Went to the beach- full body shot! Still sporting a bikini and I wouldn't have it any other way!

My sis came in to town for one of our friend's birthday's, and it was great to see everyone! It was great to see everyone again! Here are a few pictures from the night-I feel huge in a couple of these!