Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Here are some new pictures of Van's nursery. We got the glider-the most contemporary one I could find....but I am thinking about reupholstering the cushions...maybe to an off white. We redid the mirror also, the frame was yellow and did go with anything, so we changed it to this brown granite and I LOVE it!! I don't have a bedding set yet, but you can at least see the furniture in there. And his wardrobe is getting bigger by the day! We still need a few more things, particularly a rug. I'm working on that. Hope you all like!

Donovan's Nursery!!

29 1/2 weeks!

29 1/2 week belly shots:

overdue 28 week pictures

29 1/2 weeks!

Holy Moly! Can you believe I am about 30 weeks!?!?!? It is getting so close and I am trying to cherish every day because I love being pregnant. The baby is about 3 pounds now and almost 17 inches.He is taking up alot of space, obviously, and I can feel him near my ribs, in my sides, in my butt (i know, it sounds strange, but I can feel him there!!) I just can't wait to meet Donovan! I will post some new pictures up also, and on Friday, I have the exciting appointment so I will tell all of you all about it!

Doc Appt.

June 9th we had a doctor's appointment, and it was pretty routine. No sonogram this time, they just measured my belly (right on track), checked my weight gain (perfect!), and that's about it! I scheduled another appointment, which is going to be the exciting one! The 3D/4D ultrasound! We actually get to see what the baby will look like! I can't wait!
I am feeling pretty darn good at this point! Still exercising regularly, doing pilates, riding the bike, light weights. Donovan is a little squirmer, and I am interested to see if that will carry on after birth.