Thursday, August 20, 2009

baby time!
went to doctor...6 cm sent me to hospital to have a baby! i am sitting in my hospital room now...more details to come!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo Shoot

One of my best friends is a photographer in her spare time, and she offered to take some pictures of us! I absolutely love them!! Enjoy!

Photo Shoot!

More pics..

Photo Shoot!


no baby yet!

I can't believe I am still walking around, 4 cm dilated, and still no baby! My doctor has been surprised everytime I make it to my next appointment...still could be "any day now" we play the waiting game...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Holy Moly!

I know it's been a few weeks since I have posted and SO MUCH has happened! I have had my baby shower...and last Thursday, July 30th I had my 36 week check up and I was 2 cm dilated! Oh my gosh! But it gets even more exciting...Today, August 4th, I started having a little back pain and Braxton Hicks contractions and the contractions started getting somewhat regular. But they werent really painful...I was still doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and I even went with Haleigh and Mark to lunch. SO, after monitering the contractions for about 3 hours, they were varying about 5-15 minutes apart and lasting about 30-50 seconds. I called my doctor after lunch because I wasn't sure if this was labor or just Braxton Hicks. As soon as I called the doctor, they told me to come in immediately!! SO, Mark, Haleigh, and I head to the doctor. By this time, my contractions were definitely fizzling out. I maybe had 1 in 30 minutes. So, they take me back immediately and hook me up to the moniters. One moniter checks the baby's heart rate, and one checks the contractions. I didn't have any while on the moniter. SO, the doctor comes in and says, "I can tell by looking at you that you are not in labor. But just to make it official, I will go ahead and check your cervix. " By this time, I am really thinking I am wasting these people's time by being in here....So he checks me and says, "well maybe I just ate my words because you are about 4 cm dilated!! And 90% effaced!! " I couldn't believe it and neither could the doctor. He told me that I needed to go to the hospital and check in and they will moniter my prgression and that a couple of things could happen. I could either progress or not, basically. SO, not wanting to be in a hospital bed all night for no reason, I asked the doctor if I could just go home since my contractions had already stopped. He said that he would approve that but he was a little bit apprehensive because he wants to make sure I get to the hospital on time! He thinks I could be looking at a 3 hour labor...that is so short! SO as of right now, my instructions are as follows: If I get 2 contractions that are around 8 minutes apart or if my water breaks, get in my car and go to the hospital immediately. Call the doctor while on my way. SO, now we are waiting!!
We came home and finished packing our bags and I can honestly say that we are completely ready! I also have a regular appointment on Thursday and he told me to keep it, but he thinks there is a 50/50 chance that I will make the appointment. I also asked him if it is possible to stay at 4 cm until my due date. He said no and that the max I would make it would be a week and a half. time you hear from me may be from the hospital !!! agh!!!!