Monday, February 23, 2009

Skinny Bitch-Bun in the Oven

My Dad got be a book called Skinny Bitch-Bun in the Oven, and it is an amazing book! You may have heard of the original book, titled Skinny Bitch. The book is written by 2 women who are now vegans, and basically try to get you to become a vegan too. They have a no b.s. approach to explaining what certain foods do once they enter your body. They also tell you about the horrible things animals go through at slaughterhouses. It is very sad, but.....I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT MEAT!. I don't think I could ever become a vegan. The book does have some very interesting points. They discuss refined sugar, processed food, High fructose corn syrup. Three things of which I try to avoid. If my body can not process these foods, what the heck is it doing to my baby??? So, from now on, whole grains only, unrefined sugar, and no sodas! Also, Mark and I try to eat as organic as possible. But after reading that book, we are making sure to eat 100% organic. Anyway, I do recommend that book-and please read the chapter on milk...I won't discuss it now, but all I will say is that we are drinking soy milk from now on! Anyway- I want to give my baby the healthiest environment possible, and that starts now. And it starts with me.

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